Hinweis: Bei Doc-To-Help handelt es sich um ein nicht mehr unterstĂĽtztes Produkt, fĂĽr welches keine weiteren Versions-Updates erscheinen werden. Der Hersteller empfiehlt den Einsatz oder ein Upgrade auf MadCap Flare .
Authoring and Publishing using Microsoft® Word
Doc-To-Help offers advanced authoring and publishing capabilities using Microsoft® Word to create online help, policy & procedure guides, eBooks and more.
Unlock Content Stuck in Microsoft® Word and Transform It into Any Output
Create Common Document Types Quickly with Templates for Print and Web-based Content
Author in a Familiar Environment Using Word and Use Content You Already Have
Quickly and Easily Create Training Manuals, User Guides, Knowledge Bases and More
Publish to Multiple Outputs Including Responsive Web, PDF, ePub and More
Leverage Content You Already Have with Easy Importing Features
Choose Professional Built-In Output Themes or Customize Your Own
Multiple-Language Support, Integration with MadCap Lingo
Use Conditional Tags to Map Content to Outputs
Facilitate Source Control and Collaboration
Save Time by Letting Doc-To-Help Do the Work for You
Unlock Content Stuck in Microsoft® Word and Transform It into Any Output
Write or Import Your Content
Use Doc-To-Help and Microsoft® Word to write content or import documents you already have. You only need to author a single set of content and Doc-To-Help will automatically publish multiple types of output.
Choose from a List of Outputs
Use up to nine different types of output to publish your content. Conditional tagging features allows you to customize the content for each of the target platforms (e.g. online Help and printed manual) or create multiple versions of one type of output (e.g. Enterprise and Standard editions of Online Help or teacher and student training manuals).
Publish Content Where Your Readers Need It
Each output is professionally designed and is formatted for its platform. These include Help files for desktop software, online Help for the Web, content for mobile devices, eBooks, and printed manuals.
Create Common Document Types Quickly with Templates for Print and Web-based Content
Doc-To-Help provides predefined templates to determine how your content will look and work, making it easy to create common document types such as policies & procedures guides. Built-in templates include:
Plus sample projects including:
Sample Project (English) with Outputs for:
Responsive NetHelp
Sample Project (German) with Outputs for:
Responsive NetHelp
Author in a Familiar Environment Using Word and Use Existing Content
If you love Word, Doc-To-Help is the perfect technical authoring tool for you! Doc-To-Help offers the industry’s best support for Word authors. Rather than forcing you to convert Word documents to a different format, we install a toolbar in Word to bring all of Doc-To-Help’s features to your editing interface. When you choose Doc-To-Help, your content stays in Word™.
Use built-in or custom templates
Insert video and Doc-To-Help will automatically exclude it from print
Margin notes automatically become pop-ups in online outputs
Links become cross-references in print outputs and cross-references become links in online outputs
Use image maps
Quickly and Easily Create Training Manuals, User Guides, Knowledge Bases and More
Doc-To-Help makes it easy to automate the content creation, management, and publishing process. With Doc-To-Help, you can create:
Documentation and User Assistance
Policies, Procedures, and Regulations
Training Manuals
Hardware User Guides and Technical Manuals
Support and IT Knowledge Bases
Publish to Multiple Outputs Including Responsive Web, PDF, ePub and More
Write Once, Publish Anywhere
Conditional tagging features allows you to customize the content for each of the target platforms (e.g. online Help and printed manual) or create multiple versions of one type of output (e.g. Enterprise and Standard editions of Online Help or teacher and student training manuals).
Doc-To-Help’s Web-based output is responsive (adjusts itself to the device’s screen size) and is touchscreen-enabled.
Include an advanced search engine in all online outputs
Publish online content that conforms to Section 508 standards
Choose from 13 languages for the interface (includes right-to-left support)
Include Google tools (Translate, Search, Analytics)
Easy to deploy
Include Mark of the Web
Publish eBooks, PDF, and Press-ready Manuals
Give your readers manuals in the format they want by choosing to create them in EPUB or PDF. Doc-To-Help’s EPUB output can display on virtually any reader (even Kindle after an easy conversion to Kindle’s mobi file format) while PDFs can be sent straight to press or made available on the Web. Both formats are professionally polished.