Thesaurus Desktop .NET
What Sets It Apart
Open API
Customizable GUI
Flexible control usage
Thesaurus Desktop .NET is a Windows Forms control providing end users with thesaurus functionality and developers with a highly customizable, yet simple to work-with component. The thesaurus contains over 60,000 terms with synonyms, antonyms and related words.
Dialog or context menu based integration
Dialog and context menu look and feel like popular word processor interfaces
Rich design time support + some source code
All components and controls supported in designer. Source code for dialog interface is included.
Open API allows great flexibility
The API provides a broad surface to program against:
Engine class provides methods for synonyms/related words
Dialog based User Control can be placed in any container
Context Menu menu-items can be easily integrated into existing context menus
Model-view-controller oriented architecture provides developers with ability to customize/replace major components
3rd Party control support
The built-in adapter component for "TX TextControl" provides full compatibility (context menu and dialog). The API also includes interfaces to allow new adapters for 3rd Party controls to be easily written.
Thorough documentation and support
The API docs, PDF user-guide and source code examples provide comprehensive coverage of development tasks.