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Von Keyoti Inc.

StudioSpell is an easy to use speller Add-In for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2005, 2003, 2002).

What Sets It Apart 

  • Unique summary screen

  • Team friendly

  • API documentation comment checking

  • Non-sense string ignoring

StudioSpell provides a user friendly tool for checking web-page Html and strings in source code - StudioSpell analyzes only the textthat could appear in-front of a user.


Summary screen shows all errors found in project prior to launching dialog checker

Prechecks files for spelling errors before querying the user when cycling through documents

Checks API documentation

API documentation comments are spell checked, and the spell checker can optionally beset to only check API comments.

Checks string literals inside

Can ignore URLs and emails and warn about duplicate words

URL and email strings (eg.,, can optionally be ignored. Duplicate words in text (eg. "this is is an error") can optionally be presented as errors.

Team Friendly - Options are savable with a project, or globally - allowing each project to have its own settings

Options are stored in the registry by default, however they may be optionally stored in an XML file with the project,this is useful for project specific settings and it also allows settings to be moved with the project into and out of source control systems.

Team Friendly - Custom dictionaries are savable with a project or in one place - allowing each project to have its own dictionary

Custom dictionaries can be saved in a user specific location, or within the project making it team wide.

Configurable file types

Files to check are user configurable, by default StudioSpell recognizes and checks; aspx, cs, vb, jsl, ascx, htm, html, asp, cpp, resx, xml

For each of these, only content likely to be displayed, is queried to the user.

Cycles through multiple levels of project items (eg. sub-folders, and project items under main project items)

Settings screen to control spell check options