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ComponentOne Studio for WinForms

Von MESCIUS (ehemals GrapeCity)

ComponentOne Studio for WinForms gibt Ihnen die Kraft der Innovation an die Hand. Studio for WinForms besteht aus mehr als sechzig firmentauglichen .NET-Komponenten, darunter Komponenten für Raster, Tabellen, Berichte, Pläne, Menüs, Symbolleisten, Ribbons, Dateneingabe und Validierung, Export/Import und vieles mehr. Studio for WinForms ermöglicht Ihnen durch umfangreiche Entwurfszeit-Unterstützung, einschließlich Assistenten, Entwurfsprogrammen und SmartTags, innovative Benutzeroberflächen und fortschrittliche Anwendungen mit weniger Programmierleistung und Zeitaufwand als je zuvor zu erstellen. Profitieren Sie von neuen, bisher unbekannten Möglichkeiten für die Erstellung übersichtlicher UIs und die Anzeige unternehmenskritischer Daten.

Deliver intuitive, modern Windows Forms applications in less time

  • Includes 60+ Windows Forms controls

  • Lightning-fast grids, charts, and reports

  • Extensive API and deep built-incustomization options

Industry's best .NET data grids

FlexGrid continues to be the industry's fastest data grid, loading large data sets up to 10x faster than the competition

Easy-to-use, extensive API

Extend your desktop controls and reduce your learning curve with the deep, easy-to-read API

Modern Microsoft Office 2016 themes

40+ built-in Microsoft and Office themes allow you to create beautiful, modern WinForms apps in less time

Flexible UI controls for complete WinForms apps

Reduce developer overhead with extensive built-in feature sets, including flexible data binding

Touch support for WinForms apps

Use the TouchToolkit to broaden the reach of your WinForms apps

Full Visual Studio and Windows 10 Support

Seamless Visual Studio 2019 integration, and designed for the VS ecosystem. Also supports Windows 10

NEW! Fluent Ribbon (Beta)

  • Based off UI concepts from Microsoft Office 365

  • New vector icons

  • New Backstage Component

  • New Simplified View

  • Updated Galleries

Build BI dashboards

Build business intelligence dashboards with the dashboard layout control

  • Built-in layouts

  • Users can resize and move controls

  • Embed C1 controls like FlexGrid and FlexChart

Lightning-fast WinForms data grids

FlexGrid maximizes customization for bound and unbound WinForms grids.

  • Flexible data binding

  • Sorting, grouping, and filtering

  • Cell selection and editing

80+ WinForms chart types

FlexChart includes chart types from line to sunburst and a universal, easy-to-use API.

  • Flexible data binding

  • Series selection and labels

  • Multiple axes and plot areas

  • Image export

Migrate from Crystal Reports

Migrate from Crystal Reports with FlexReport’s lightning-fast solution, which includes a code-free report designer.

  • One-click migration

  • Multiple data sources for a single report

Flexible, modern WinForms calendars and schedulers

The feature-rich calendar control allows you to select date ranges, and the scheduler provides an Outlook-like calendar experience, complete with full-featured appointment editing

Was ist neu?

Support for .NET framework 4.5.2

Starting with 2019 v2, .NET 4.5.2 will be the lowest supported framework for the controls. This means that all new features and new controls will be exclusive to .NET 4.5.2, however, they will continue to maintain the 4.0 version of the controls for one year until 2020 v2.

Office 365 Ribbon for WinForms

The new Ribbon for WinForms is built on .NET 4.5.2 and it's based on UI concepts of Office 365. With it you'll enjoy:

  • New simplified view when the ribbon is collapsed.

  • 20+ embedded controls including buttons, progress bars, updated galleries and more.

  • Enhanced set of embedded images for buttons along with support for font and vector-based icons.

  • A backstage view and status bar component.

FlexGrid Enhancements

FlexGrid Column Footers Enabled Fixed Column Summaries for WinForms

The footer row can be fixed or scrollable as the last row in the grid. Within the footer you can easily show aggregates like sum, average, min, max, etc. Footers can also show values based on expressions, such as calculations based on several columns (i.e., a grand total).

FlexGrid Custom Expressions

It is now finally possible to use custom expressions as subtotals in groups along with aggregates.

FlexPivot for WinForms Supports Group Ranges

Grouped ranges allow for custom grouping of data into binned ranges, such as Ages 10-20, Ages 21-39, Ages 40-59+, or you can now create yearly quarter groups with just a simple date field. You can create grouped ranges based upon string, numeric and date fields.

FlexChart Custom Data Filter Sample

They added a new sample that demonstrates using a FlexChart inside a DataFilter control as a custom filter. You can choose to filter the data by clicking on data points, adjust the time period by using the range bar, and filter the range selection by dragging the mouse. You can see this sample in action by downloading the WinForms Edition Samples.

FlexPie Multiple Pie Series

You can now use FlexPie to visualize more of your data in a single chart by creating multiple pie chart "series" using the same data source.

Icon Classes

The new C1Icon is a set of classes which generate monochromatic icons that can be tinted and resized easily, without all the pain points that bitmap-based icons have.