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Studio for LightSwitch

Von MESCIUS (ehemals GrapeCity)

Schnelle, flexible Benutzeroberflächensteuerung für Cloud, Web und Desktop. Verkürzen Sie Ihren Entwicklungszyklus und liefern Sie schnell großartige Apps.

Shorten your development cycle and deliver great apps fast with these fast, flexible controls

  • Includes controls for HTML, Cloud for Business Apps, and desktop

  • Industry's best LightSwitch data grid

  • Dozens of data visualization options

Industry's best LightSwitch data grid

Build highly performant, customizable grids for Cloud Business Apps, web, and desktop

Minimal coding shortens your delivery cycle

Expand the reach of your apps with snap-in extensions that instantly broaden functionality, including Cloud Business Apps and web.

Full Visual Studio Support

Seamless Visual Studio 2017 integration, and designed for the VS ecosystem

Plug-and-play data visualization controls

Charts, gauges, calendars, report viewers, and editing extensions make this toolkit the best collection for LightSwitch

OLAP business intelligence tools

Aggregate and process thousands of rows in little time with OLAP Business Intelligence, available in ComponentOne Studio Enterprise suite

Features Controls


Provide a powerful, flexible data grid for your users in moments, and include built-in scrolling, editing, and paging without manual code.


Wow your users with 30+ LightSwitch chart types, dozens of built-in features like line markers, DirectX rendering, and full touch and zoom interactions.


Use the Gauges as simple indicators, or set the IsReadOnly property to false and use it as an input control. You can also populate the Ranges collection to define ranges of interest, shown in different colors.


Help your users input data and operate your applications with a vast collection of input and editing controls. Whether you’re developing applications for Windows or the web, your toolbox includes controls from simple numeric editors to color pickers to full-featured HTML editors.