ComponentOne IntelliSpell
Increase your productivity with IntelliSpell
Spell-check code, comments, strings, HTML, XML, resources, and general text in Microsoft Visual Studio with ComponentOne IntelliSpell™. The ComponentOne IntelliSpell package gives you the power to effortlessly deliver products free of spelling errors. Visual Studio is the most powerful and popular software development environment; however, it lacks spell-checking capabilities that exist in other authoring packages such as Microsoft Word and Expression.
The ComponentOne IntelliSpell Professional Edition can check entire projects and solutions, including localized applications, and it now provides "as-you-type" spell-checking just like Microsoft® Word.
With ComponentOne IntelliSpell, you have the power to eliminate spelling mistakes quickly and easily. Simply tell C1IntelliSpell to check a document, an entire project, or even a whole solution.
Specify file types to spell-check
The Options dialog box can now be used to specify the types of files that should be spell-checked. You can specify, for example, that files with extension "licx" should be checked as XML, and that files with extension "doc" should be checked as text.
Spell-check your entire Visual Studio project
Spell-check multiple files, your projects, or your entire solution. IntelliSpell provides an easy-to-use, one-click operation.
As-you-type spell-checking
Spell-checking your Visual Studio application is even better with as-you-type spell-checking functionality. You can easily correct spelling errors in files (HTML, XML, resource, text) and code (comments, strings) as you type.
Choose from a wide selection of dictionaries
IntelliSpell comes with the English-US dictionary as well as 20 additional dictionaries. You can customize any dictionary or create a text file to define custom words to ignore by the spell checker.
No more external spell checkers needed
IntelliSpell has its own spell-checking engine and does not rely on Microsoft Office spelling services. No longer do you have to have Microsoft Office installed or import/export documentation to solve this problem.
Complete XML and HTML spell-checking in the source code
IntelliSpell eliminates the need to export XML-based help documentation to a word processing application for spell-checking. Decrease errors and take less time to complete spell-checking.
Spell correction is easy with the task list
All spell-checking data can easily be tracked within your application (wiggly underlines), or within the Task List (line item spelling mistakes). This makes it easy to run through corrections for an entire project. Simply double-click the spelling mistake in the Task List to open the Visual Studio file containing the spelling error; you do not have to search through pages of code to find spelling mistakes.